Saturday, 1 December 2012

99 Questions No One Ever Asks Tag

This might be pretty long so lets keep the answers short and sweet :) <3

  1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed- I don't have closet doors, so obviously none of the above 
  2. Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from the hotel- No 
  3. Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out- Tucked in
  4. Have you ever stolen a street sign before- No
  5. Do you like to use post-it notes- At home yes, at school no
  6. Do you cut out coupons but never use them- Sometimes, I get them fom magazines and never use them but sometimes I do
  7. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees- Big Bear, cause I know what to do if there is a bear so there is steps you can take to stay oput of danger, but bees ae maniacs they just dont stop
  8. Do you have freckles- Yes, but very little
  9. Do you always smile for pictures- No, sometimes I make funny faces
  10. Biggest Pet Peeve- The sound of paper rubbing together or the feeling of paper rubbing up against my fingers
  11. Do you ever count your steps when you walk- Yes, when it's cold outside
  12. Have you ever peed in the woods- Yes, I fish A LOT  
  13. What about pooped in the woods- No
  14. Do you ever dance if there's no music playing- Sometimes
  15. Do you chew your pens and pencils- I chew my pens but not my pencils
  16. How many people have you slept with this week- None LOL
  17. What size is your bed- I have a Queen size bed
  18. What is your song of the week- I have been listening to Scream and Shout by and Britteny Spears a lot this week
  19. Is it okay for guys to wear pink- YES 
  20. Do you still watch cartoons- Sometimes, but not often
  21. What is your least favorite movie- I would have to say Orphan or Black Swan
  22. Would you bury hidden treasure if you had some- Totally
  23. What do you dink with dinner- Iced Tea or Chocolate Milk
  24. What do you dip your chicken nuggets in- BBQ sauce, Ketchup, Plum Sauce, or Sweet honey mustard sauce
  25. What is you favorite food- Cabbage rolls or Perogies 
  26. What movies could you watch over and over and still love- Pitch Perfect 
  27. Last person you kissed or kissed you- I have never kissed any body (embarrassed)
  28. Were you ever a boy/girl scout- Yes, for half a year
  29. Would you ever strip or pose nude for a magazine- No not at the moment
  30. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper- About three weeks ago
  31. Can you change oil on a car- No
  32. Ever gotten a speeding ticket- No, I can't drive yet
  33. Ever ran out of gas- No
  34. Favorite kind of sandwich- Egg Salad or Honey Ham 
  35. Best thing to eat for breakfast- Fried eat with toast 
  36. What's your usual bedtime- I don't really have a bedtime
  37. Are you lazy- Yes and No, At home I am but at school not really No
  38. When you were a kid what did you dress up for, for Halloween- I was a nerd, a birthday present, a dead cheerleader, a bratz cheerleader, a zombie, a honey pot from winnie the pooh.
  39. What is your Chinese Astrological sign- I am a rabbit
  40. How many languages can you speak- 1 fluently and that is English, I can also speak some Ukrainian, Spanish, and French
  41. Do you have any magazine subscriptions- No, but i buy Seventeen magazine EVERY month
  42. Which are better Legos or Linkin Logs- Legos, I still play with them
  43. Are you stubborn- Not really
  44. Who is better Leno or Letterman- Leno 
  45. Ever watch soap operas- YES, I am addicted to One Tree Hill I own season 1-6 
  46. Are you afraid of heights- Not really, but I don't like ladders
  47. Do you sing in the car- YES
  48. Do you sing int he shower- YES
  49. Do you dance in the car- No
  50. Ever used a gun- Yes, a 22
  51. Last time you got a portrait done by a photographer- Well like September, if school pictures count
  52. DO you think musicals are cheesy- No, I love musicals
  53. Is Christmas stressful- No, I love Christmas
  54. Ever eat Perogies- YES, I am Ukrainian. My Grama makes perogies every holiday and gives them to my mom for her birthday.
  55. Favorite kind of fruit pie- I don't like pie, but I used to LOVE Saskatoon Berry Pie
  56. Occupations you wanted when you were a kid- Well last year I wanted to be a makeup Artist, but not I sort of want to be a power engineer or a chef
  57. Do you believe in ghosts- Yes
  58. Have you ever had De je vu feeling- Yes, plenty of times
  59. Do I take vitamins daily- Yes, I take little gummy ones
  60. Wear slippers- Sometimes
  61. Wear a bath robe- No
  62. What do you wear to bed- underwear and a tank top, or P.J pants and a T-Shirt
  63. First Concert- Hedley
  64. Walmart, Target, or K-Mart- I live in Canada and we don't have K-Marts or Targets yet, so Walmart
  65. Nike or Adidas- Nike
  66. Cheetos or Fritos- Cheetos
  67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds- Sunflower Seeds
  68. Ever heard of the group Tres Bien- Nope
  69. Ever take dance lessons- No
  70. Is there s profession you picture your future spouse doing- This sounds cheesy but, whatever they are happy doing 
  71. Can you curl your tongue- Yes
  72. Ever won a spelling bee- I don't think they do spelling bees in my area
  73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy- I don't think so
  74. Own any record albums- No
  75. Ever own a record player- No
  76. Regularly burn in-scents- Do candles count.... If not then no\
  77. Ever been in LOVE- No
  78. Who would you like to see in concert- One Direction or Nikki Minaj
  79. What was the last concert you saw- I think it was Emerson Drive, because I worked at it
  80. Hot tea or cold tea- Cold tea
  81. Tea or Coffee- I like it when coffee is like half creamer and half coffee and I don't like tea so coffee I guess
  82. Sugar or Snickerdoodles- Sugar
  83. Can you swim well- Yes
  84. Can you hold your breathe without holding your nose- Yes
  85. Am I patient- Kind of 
  86. D.J or band at a Wedding- D.J
  87. Ever won a contest- I don't think so
  88. Ever have plastic surgery- No
  89. What are better black or green olives- I don't like either but I can stand black but green...EEEWWW
  90. Can you knit or croshet- No
  91. Best room for a fire place- Living room, or downstairs
  92. Do you want to get married- Of Course 
  93. If married how long have you been married- I am not married 
  94. Who was your high school crush- I am in junior high, I haven't made it to high school yet
  95. Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way- No
  96. Do you have kids- No 
  97. Do you want kids- Yes, I want 2-4 of them
  98. What's your favorite color- Pink
  99. Do you miss anyone right now- Yes, my old best friend Kayla
Okay that is it and I want you to pick one of these questions and leave the answer to that in the comments.

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